Sunday 15 May 2011

I feel like I'm on Holiday..

The weather has been insane this past week. I'm talking well over 30 degree's, blisteringly hot sun and the perfect cool breeze, literally paradise. So since the weather has been so great I have been taking full advantage of the "Beach" in my city. Yep, that's right! In my city. As the Chinese people tend to want to make things look beautiful here, they decided to build the most amazing fresh water lake to the side of my city, no only building a temple there but also an artificial, white sand beach. The beach, combined with the crystal water and mountain scenery make it one of the most beautiful beach's I have ever been too, and I have been to Thailand, home of the worlds most beautiful beaches! 

Judge for yourself.

Sunbathing here did not feel like China at all, it was amazing! It was almost like I was on Holiday, away from the volunteering and just relaxing with good company and drinks. Bliss.

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